Sarracenias, also known as trumpet plants, are well known to counter Asian hornets.
The traps of this plant are provided with bright colors and a nectar with an irresistible fragrance for insects.
Moreover, the nectar contains enzymes of digestion as well as a sleeping pill which acts against any insect having the misfortune to fall in the hollow of the trap of the plant.
Thus, the trap of most sarracenia is provided with a very waxed rim causing insects to lose their balance and to fall into the fatal nectar. At the entrance of the tube will appear fine and waxed hairs always causing the insect to fall lower. These hairs will point especially down giving even more trouble to the insect that could try to escape upwards.
It is therefore this combination of stratagems that bring the majority of insects venturing around the entrance of these traps to the liquid composed of a viscous solution enveloping the insect so that it has the least adhesion possible. Added to this, a numbing substance comes into play to disorient the insect so that it stops struggling.
Finally, the digestive enzymes begin their work and proceed to the extraction of minerals and nitrogen to overcome the poverty of soil nutrient where carnivorous plants live.
Once the nutrients are absorbed, only the exoskeleton of the insect remains.