Nepenthes is one of the most attractive and impressive carnivorous plants due to the bright colors and patterns of their traps.
These intriguing plants are mainly from Malaysia (Sumatra, Borneo, Java etc …). Their traps are called urns or ascidians.
Moreover, many of these Nepenthes are very rare or even endangered. In most parts of Malaysia, these plants that live in a natural environment are sometimes poached.
Traps Nepenthes can reach up to 30 centimeters. They function similar to that of a Sarracenia but instead of taking its point of support on the ground, the trap is mostly suspended.
Thus, the entrance of the urn and its rim are coated with a shiny and sweet substance called nectar. This one aims to attract insects. Subsequently, more insects are excited by this substance, more they are led to continue their quest. They are therefore invited to move to the slippery part of the trap. This one aims to unbalance the insect, bringing it to a point of no return.
Once the insect has fallen into the aqueous solution, the plant releases an anesthetic substance and releases digestion enzymes. As a result of these steps, the digestion process begins and Nepenthes will then be able to absorb the nutrients necessary for its proper growth.